When you open the card a different message slides across inside - even my kids thought it was pretty cool.
Here is a close up of it half open and you can see the second message sliding across.
Here is the one I made using the following:
Stampsets: Level 3 Hostess stamp Window Dressing, words from Crazy for Cupcakes, Short and Sweet and Nursery Necessities.
DSP from Sweet Always
Cardstock: Pretty in Pink and Pink Passion
Accessories: Pretty in Pink Taffeta Ribbon, Designer Label Punch and Large Oval Punch.
When it is half open you can see the second image just starting to appear on the left hand side.
Here is a close up of the change from the first image to the second as the card is opening up.
Finally when the card is fully opened you just see the image of the cat wishing you a happy birthday. You would never guess we are a cat family would you.
Wow that's nifty! What a great idea.